Texwipe Mops

Texwipe Mops

The Texwipe Mops are specially designed mops for cleanrooms. The mops covers are made of 100% knitted polyester. The covers have high absorbency, good abrasion and chemical resistance, and have very low contamination levels. The mop covers can be sterilized and disinfected before use in cleanroom environment. The mop head can be easily replaced. Pre-wetted refills of mop cover are also available.

 The mops are available in various brands. The AlphaMop™ is a flat mop which is used to clean floors, walls and ceilings. The AlphaMop™ Isolator Cleaning Tool is used to clean isolators, laminar flow hoods, and biosafety cabinets. The AlphaWipe® Mop Covers is a mop head which is used in ultraclean environments. The BetaMop™ II is a tubular mop which is used for cleaning the floor economically in cleanrooms and critical environments. The Mini AlphaMop™ is used to clean small surfaces which are very difficult to reach.

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